Complaints Process


If you have a complaint relating to our certification scheme, please contact us at  

If you believe a product awarded the ecolabel does not meet the applicable criteria, please follow the steps below.

  • Contact us at and attach any relevant photographs and/or supporting documents/ evidence. You may be contacted to obtain additional information.
  • Your complaint will be reviewed by the New Zealand Ecolabelling Trust (NZET) who will assess whether the evidence provided is sufficient to start an investigation. NZET is under no obligation to consider a complaint if it is judged to be irrelevant or unsubstantiated.

REJECTION: If the complaint is judged to be insufficiently supported by evidence, a rejection letter (including the reasons for rejection) is sent to the complainant. A decision not to consider a complaint shall not be open to appeal.

APPROVAL: If the complaint is judged to be pertinent, NZET informs the licence holder of the complaint, not disclosing the identity of the complainant. It then undertakes a thorough investigation to verify whether the product meets Eco Choice criteria.

COMPLIANT: If the product is deemed compliant, NZET informs the licence holder and complainant.

NOT COMPLIANT: If the product is not compliant, NZET informs the licence holder of suspension of their licence for the specific product. The licence holder is given a three-month period to prove product compliance. During this period, the use of the logo is not permitted. In case the compliance cannot be proven, NZET shall withdraw the licence. NZET informs the Minister for the Environment of the non-compliance.

Once the complaint has been closed, the description of the way in which the complaint has been dealt with will be included in NZET’s internal complaints register.


If we receive a complaint from you about our Licence conditions or any other matter, the CEO for the Eco Choice Aotearoa programme will appoint an appropriate and independent person to investigate and report on the complaint.

The CEO will review the report and:

  • decide what action will be taken.
  • advise the party who complained about the results of the investigation and the action that has been decided. 

If you, or any other party who has made a complaint, is not satisfied with the action taken, you or they, can appeal to the NZET Board. Decisions of the Board will be final.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Complaints Process or would like to view our Procedures Manual, please contact us:

By email:

By visiting this page on our website: Contact

By phone number: +64 9 845 3330