Animal & Pet Care


The following standard * is under review. Please download a copy and send us your comments to by 16 September 2024.

With approximately 64% of New Zealand households have at least one pet, the overall market size of the pet care industry in New Zealand in 2019, was estimated to be worth $1.8 billion .

Animal cleaning products represent a potentially significant burden on the environment in terms of wastewater loading and subsequent treatment, resource consumption and disposal of packaging materials.

Small quantities of biocides/preservatives are used in animal cleaning products to preserve the products to reduce the potential for the product to spoil and become waste. They are also essential to delivering a safe product to consumers.

The following animal cleaning product requirements will produce environmental benefits through the reduction of hazardous substances, minimising potential for contaminants in water, reducing the burden on wastewater treatment systems, improving energy efficiency, and minimising the impacts of packaging. As information and technology change, animal cleaning product requirements will be reviewed, updated and possibly amended.


There are currently no products or services associated with this specification.